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I am passionate about sharing inspiring lifestyle stories and I do that via my social media accounts and blog.
I am a social worker and youth volunteer who is passionate about improving the lives of children, youths and communities through outreaches and training programs.
I love travelling and hope to your the world someday.

A personal story about my lockdown experience.
Jul 30, 2020 4 years agoIn March, I got a mail on a Sunday evening that I wasn't to report at work the next day - which was a Monday- until further notice. Why? The Coronavirus pandemic had already counted 15 extra cases, making up 36 recorded cases between Friday when I left work and Sunday when I got the mail. I was torn in between confusion and anxiety. I had my jotters and notes at work, some personal documents I typed in my work computer which slept peacefully on my desk - unaware of the ongoing dilemma in the world. Two weeks later, I got my paycheck, restocked the house in preparation for the lockdown and a new chapter of my life began. During the lockdown - which lasted for about 2 months and got me stock at home for more than 3 months, I thought about the many different things I could do with the free time and it was fun in the first couple of weeks- with some self-discovery, re-evaluation, Tik Tok videos, lots of movie series to catch up with, daily work out routine, some spark of creativity, upgrading my social media game, reading, reconnecting with friends and family, sleeping for up to 8 hours, blogging and just having fun at home. Then, my account balance started showing red - as I'd spent so much on data. I got bored, tired of my home work out routine, my meals reduced in the cupboard, I got so much bad news about rape cases, the looting and murder in USA, friends battling with Covid19 and the death of loved ones, my expired rent - which I didn't have money to pay as a result of staying home for almost 4 months, my mental health started getting the best of me, I fell ill and everything crumbled. No, it wasn't Covid19. It was malaria and having too much to do and think about. Maybe I was just tired of being home too. Two weeks later, I got better and decided to write a book on my personal development journey - which was something I had always wanted to do, but couldn't just get myself to do it. Now, my computer was at work and had a draft on the details of the book. The thought of using my phone to type out thousands of words gave me a panic attack. However, I successfully wrote the manuscript and I do hope to get a literary agent soon to get it kick-started so I'll never go broke again or in need of a PC. Guess what? An old boyfriend reconnected with me and came up with all his plans to marry me, get me to boss up - by starting 'our' own company and all. Please note that this guy in question isn't even in my home country, has never been here or physically seen me and has always had a habit of coming and going - each time with all the marriage talk. Why haven't I completely let him go? Trust me, I've tried. The highlights of the lockdown for me was when I got two different blog post features, had two of my posts trend on LinkedIn, made my first YouTube channel video, reconnected with old friends, family and web series I missed, got an online therapist, wrote my book, worked on my personal brand strategies, went hiking more as a form of maintaining social distance and meditating on the mountain, published a 12 pages e-book on personal development, cut my hair- yes, I now carry a low cut, read 3 new books and bought 4 new ones, marked my 24th birthday, opened a piggybank account, learned new cooking and juicing skills, decluttered and much more. Then, I got a call in the first week of July to resume at work. Normally, I would have been excited about work resumption, but no, I had gained extra weight and my clothes didn't fit anymore. I got depressed in the first week and decided to start working out again- so I'd atleast have clothes to wear. There was a massive hike on transportation and I had to readjust to the Covid19 measures. Do you ever get uncomfortable with wearing the face masks? Trust me, I've been more than uncomfortable, nauseous and even injured. The lockdown helped me realize that I needed multiple streams of income- hence the book I wrote and this entry for a prize. I equally realized I needed new skills because there's been a reshuffle in work culture and if I want to have a job in 2months- when my contract will be expiring - I'll need to acquire new skills, get a personal computer to make that happen and pay for trainings and certifications online. I am excited about sharing my experiences during the lockdown, the lessons learned, my challenges and success stories too. One thing I know for sure is the fact that I was in a lockdown, but I wasn't locked down. What was your experience?