An ode to Inspiration

Oh procrastination! What a contemptuous haunt you are! How mercilessly have you imprisoned the willingness of my soul while vengefully spurring the war between my will and my might. So devious is your plot to distract my befuddled mind. You have expertly calculated your plan of attack to fracture my focus and divert my attention. Were it not for your spirit of slumber, I could run without tiring this obstacle course creative freedom has craftily set. Jesus expounds clearly upon this wordsmith's despair: ” ...the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” ( Mat. 26:41 KJV) Such has been the battle of the ages: to wrest with oneself for the mere attainment of action; taking the first step; making the first move…. To simply begin. Monstrous is the wickedness of complacency: how it makes a mockery of my motivated momentum and how it thwarts my attempts to excel. But thanks be to God for the advent of Inspiration. Her descent upon this wearied writer is more precious than breath itself. Her wisps of clarity defog my vision of the masterpieces still awaiting completion. In her presence I find the wherewithal to pen again. Artistic bliss is found in her sweet communion where ideas unfold magically offering fantastic voyages into the wonderland of words.The ensuing rush of adrenaline releases fettered wings of brilliance and this spirited writer soars again. Thank you

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