The passenger is with us

My home is known as a little country. It's so small that you usually get problem while trying to find it on a map. People say they never heard of it. They say people from my country cannot be what they want because they live in poor or because little country is underdeveloped. Well, I live in a beautiful country, with big lakes, long rivers, high mountains and strong people. But, in this twentieth year of twenty first century something changed and is still changing my view. This is the first time that someone came in my world, my environment, that I don't want to be friend with. This is the first time that someone came into my world, my city, and became that popular, but introduced itself just after killing so many people. Now it's around us. In our neighbourhood, our stores. It is all around us. In our air, knocks on our doors. That is our new passenger, it walks and it breathes. That passenger wants you, not your things. First time i heard how its' name, I thought it was a big joke. It got born in China. There are dead in China, there are surviving in China. It came to Italy and swam in the sea. Now it is in France and it tried their food. After while it drank coffee in Serbia, it flew over many countries and then. Corona virus is here. It was Tuesday, many portals, web sites, pages, news said that the next two weeks we have no school. To be honest, I was really happy because, the next day I would have math exam. In the first place, it wasn't that scary. The only problem I had was my brother. He was in Italy as a student and hung out with some people who had a flew at that time. On his birthday, he got a fever, high temperature, throat pain. My mom freaked out. My dad, who usually does not show his emotions, was really scared and dispirited. I have to brag that I also got a hug from him after a long time. One morning we got the call, brother does not have a virus. You can say you do not care because it is not close to you. You can try and maybe pray, there is nothing else what you can do. We are here, now we are in a fight, this passenger kills all day and night. Four months before my brother will come home, I had to decide what to do with the time that is given to me. Two weeks I was isolated, I was at home, just reading books and listening to some music. Of course I had online school, which was insane. Many times I had exams on my computer and I would be stressed out . Dad was going to work with mask and glows. Mom can get sick fast so, she did not go out. They were mostly scared about their son, even if he does not have a virus he is there and we are here. When school finished, I passed with great grades. My fitness coach has said that we should make a pause. I can not function without my trainings. With time, sunny days came and at least three times at week I went on six-kilometres-long trail with hills. I have my own workout routine, with my own list of songs.The passenger is still here, maybe could not buy a ticket to go home. Where is its' home, here is not its' place but, I think it does not know. Humans are still awake, we want to ask you to go, that is all we want to say. Huge windows in my apartment are really there for a reason. I exercise my eyes through them. I can see the main street, people with masks, kids, thirsty dogs and a lot of cars. One day I went with my dad to the store. We wanted to buy a bottle of oil. While we were waiting, there was a family with bags of two hundred kilos of flour. It was really strange but at least funny. We still have a lot of flour bags at home. Usually I am not drinking any juices, but somehow I stopped with sweets and bread. I read many books and have started with the music I listened before. Lyrics of their songs are amazing. I watched many films too, I am a huge filmochobic. Love for writing have never left me. Actually, during quarantine, I opened up my heart more and, even if I was in between „four walls“ my eyes saw more than before. I realised that I do not need to travel the world to see a miracle, I need to find one place, one person, one song or maybe one book to feel a miracle. Since I was ten I have been writing songs, but this year I started with English songs. Passenger still walks through our city, probably it likes it. Maybe melody should visit us and help. We need the real words to destroy it, not dog's yelp. So, my home is still known as a little country. I still have my name, my home and family. My eyes are with me too. My hands did not betray me, I write even more. Imagination is my best friend. I am truly sorry for everyone who lost someone in this time. . We can use this time to live, sometimes maybe smile. We can use this time to think, maybe stay on someone's side. This passenger does not want to go. I am pretty sure it stayed with us for too long, but we will outsmart it. We are persistent and strong.


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Lukas Klessig

Author of Words With My Father

Central WI and South Florida, United States