Biopage Storytelling Writing Contest

Updated: The new contest is accepting submissions now! Please follow instructions at Thank you for submitting your article for the Biopage Storytelling Writing Contest! The current contest is closed. We have received a large number of submissions, many excellent essays. It will take about 2 weeks for our Writing Contest Committee to evaluate them and choose the winners. It will be a difficult decision to make. The winners will be notified by email, and will be announced on the next writing contest webpage. Meanwhile please consider doing the followings to your essays: 1. You may still edit your essay by clicking “Edit Post”, to correct typos, and re-format your essay. Please note there is a “Poem mode” for poems. 2. Please add a picture or short video to your essay. This is important because the contest is to encourage writing in a new social media style. 3. Make sure you used "writing contest" as one of the tags. To add tags, write tag words separated by commas in the Tags field. 4. By clicking “writing contest” tag, you will be able to read essays from other writers, make comments, and communicate with the writers. 5. You are required to write a biography to introduce yourself and upload your user picture and background picture. Please make sure to change the “Name” filed in your profile to show the name you like to use and show. 6. You may want to set your account as “Public” to let us and other writers to read your essay. 7. Please download Biopage mobile app from iOS App Store or Android Google Play, sign in to your account. Later announcements may appear on your chat window there. 8. Ask your friends to read, like, and comment on your essay. You write and you want people to read your writings, and your friends should be the starting point. These are some of the factors to consider when we choose the winners, but of course your writing is most important. 9. New contest will be announced soon, you are welcome to enter again. And you can always write more Updates to your account on Biopage, and tell more stories! You can communicate with your friends on Biopage; there is a Messaging section on Biopage, you can chat with your friends on computer or Biopage mobile apps. Good luck and happy writing! Biopage Writing Contest Committee

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