Happy (Belated) New Year!

I am officially a paid member of the Filidh Publishing Authors' Family. The Platinum Collection was launched on December 3, 2023 as part of their 20th Anniversary Celebration. A poem I penned is included in this book of short stories. Along with a photo and biographic note (longer than the poem!) My name is listed on the back cover and in the Table of Contents as a contributing author. The book can be found under “New Releases” or directly here: https://filidhbooks.com/products/the-platinum-collection-by-filidh-publishing-authors Royalties for the sales of this book are going to StandUpToCancer.ca which is discussed on the last pages of the book. Also at the back of the book is a list of our 20 years of publishing works and the 74 authors (of which I am now one). Sales of the book, if you're so inclined run at – Soft cover $28.75 (CDN) or eBook $7.00 (CDN). All the best to your inspirations and endeavours this year! Happy scribing

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Lukas Klessig

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Central WI and South Florida, United States