My Pandemic Life

When I first heard the discovery of the virus, I was at work doing my job. It was a busy day full of busy people. A few weeks later, the virus began to spread throughout China. The next month, it started to spread around the world. A few months later, a pandemic has been announced. When the virus first reached our country, I wore a face mask. The food establishments started to implement social distancing so I ordered out from them during lunch. It was such a risk going to work every day because the employee's time in goes through the hospital that was connected to the school. I am not a faculty or staff member for I am part of the food business that caters to students. When the enhanced community quarantine was imposed by the national government, I slowly stopped going to work. Any form of public transportation was banned which made it hard going to work even more. A few months later, I received a memorandum. It stated that I was put in a β€˜no work, no pay' category so I decided to find a job online. I was declined every time because they wanted applicants to work on site after the quarantine gets lifted. I got some opportunities near me but I found it impossible to get out of the subdivision as the main exit was closed off. I decided to look for other opportunities. During the months in quarantine, two people have died a few streets from us due to the virus. They were an elderly couple and contract tracing was conducted after their death. We haven't heard any news ever since. Relief goods started to come to us after months of controversy. I learned how people of power can be selfish. When a video leaked out that exposed them where the relief goods were going, it was only then that the relief goods were released. Do they have to get exposed before prioritizing the needs of the people? The rations came and it stopped into the third ration. I was getting depressed at this point. The electric bill was soaring at high levels which were higher than the sky. The people in social media also had the same problem as us, the unexplained increase in the bill. I am still unemployed and still looking for something that will make the ends meet. I volunteered in doing costing of my friend's business in exchange for giving me free rent. She is selling some afternoon snacks such as sushi, kimbap, puto, conchinta, and cheesecakes. I get the first taste, of course, and they taste great. I gave her some pointers in costing while matching it against the market price of the finished product. My supervisor contacts me from time to time to check up on me. The company gave a ration of relief goods that was twice more than the usual. It had a note saying that they understand what we were going through and whatnot. It made me hope that things will be better. I tried to call my mom. She said that she tried to reach me using the company line. She got passed on from department to department until she gave up completely. I checked on how the seven dogs were doing and she said that they were growing well and healthy. They were mixed breeds but they mostly look like a wolf and everyone was afraid of them because they looked menacing. I tried writing after reading the full Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer and I also watched all of the movies. I hoped to be a great writer like her. I love fantasy by heart and I believed in her work. I have read some Tad Williams after that. It made me forget the reality for a moment and I lived in the world they created. I started doing some meditation and yoga poses. It made my mind clearer and made me think clearer. It brightened up my perspective in life and gave me more energy and inspiration. I do this every day aside from sleeping and lounging around all day. I look at some memes and listen to opera songs like Phantom of the Opera and Duo des Fleur to brighten up my day even more. I watched the news recently and there was this boom about the new normal. My email has been booming with it as well especially from job sites. I spasmodically check my emails every day to see any updates but I regret doing so every time. Junk always fills my mails. I try to unsubscribe to them but they still keep on coming. Frustrated, I turned to food. I believe that food is life and life is food. The fridge is full of them as my friend would always make a lot from the orders of her patrons. It didn't change my body and I don't know why. I sometimes wonder if I have monsters living in my stomach. I made the best of the pandemic so I still see a silver lining. I watch the things that inspire me and read books that take me to different worlds. I learned how to breathe life in and out. I talk to people I love to lessen my depression. I hope that in the future, we would all see each other again like how it was before.

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