


Champaign, United States

My name is Sony Jain and I'm currently a Junior in high school. It is the time period when I have to choose a career I want to pursue, and everything about the next 2 years for me is college based. I am thinking about going into the technology field, so all of my extracurriculars. jobs and classes have been tech related. Writing is the one thing I do for myself, and not for colleges. When I was younger I always told my parents I would be a famous author and buy them a nice house with a maid once I got really rich. Slowly as I got older and my older sisters started getting more stable jobs I lost the idea of writing because it's too hard to make a career out of. This summer I started writing random stuff and realized how much I still love it. I work 2 part-time jobs; I'm a math instructor for little kids and do research under a professor at a University. I really like to paint, although I wouldn't say I'm good at it. I also love reading. As basic as this is, my favorite series is the Harry Potter series and I read the whole thing at the start of every school year when I don't have a large amount of schoolwork. I have a huge bookcase in my room that started out with 3 books and over the past 3 years I've turned it into 105. My dream house has a huge library with thousands of books. I like to hang out with my friends and family for fun, and I like watching Love Island UK.


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