It's who I am

The crackle of the creamy white pages as they flutter between my grasp. The crisp paper forever branded with the words of someone's story. Never knowing what's going to happen in the next sentence, the next page, the next chapter. The late nights that diminish the hours to sleep because my hands are gripping the pages, not wanting to put it down, to look away for even a second. The feeling of being transported into different worlds. Ones where magic exists, where people who are different are the ones chosen to be heroes, where a happy ending doesn't exist in every chapter but it doesn't matter because in the end, they are with the ones they love. Where every story brings new adventures with new dangers, new friends and new loves. No character is the same so you get to experience falling in love with someone new with every turn of the page. It's like what the famous author of the Game of Thrones series, George R.R Martin says, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” My worst nightmare would to become blind because than I would have to give up something that has been part of my life since before I can remember. There are audio books but they are not the same as reading the words yourself and conjuring up the most beautiful picture in your mind and bringing the story to life. Whenever I have been upset or angry or frustrated or felt alone, I would turn to my books to take me away from my world. To transport me somewhere new where I can join my favourite characters in their battles. My parents have never approved of the genres that I read not just now but when I was younger. There was always the odd book that had witches or ghosts and my family is Christian so what I read was highly frowned upon. I can never read my books in front of my family, in fear that they would ask what it was about and I would have to disappoint them. My family never understood why I read so much either. I believe that I am the one who reads the most in my family. Being the middle child, I am forgotten about a lot of the time and often feel like I am not valued or wanted so reading is my escape. Last year I decided to try my own hand at writing a novel and let me tell you it was harder than I expected. There were times when it just flowed out of me and I could write a couple thousand words at one sitting and there were other times when I would sit and ponder just watching the minutes tick by without being able to write a single word. I don't plan where my story goes, just like real life, the events are revealed to me as I write. So it was no surprise when it turned into a fantasy perhaps even a supernatural story because that is what interests me. I love the excitement and the adventure and never knowing if everything will work out in the end. I love turning the next page and gasping, my hand instantly flying to my mouth as I discover a new plot twist. Its exhilarating and there is nothing I love more. Books are my life, a part of who I am and I will never give them up, despite what my family or anyone else thinks.

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Schellsburg, United States