Meaning of handwrighting


If people could not write to be with them? Many people will say nothing terrible, we will live without it. We also have an auditory memory. It would not be like that. There are cases when you need to remember something that you have heard somewhere, but there is no information you need anywhere in this case, notes help. Handwriting is somewhat more than writing on paper. It has a direct effect on our brain, stimulates thinking and memory. People write by hand, they use such functions as the power of imagination, creativity, the importance of memory. Psychologists prove that handwriting activates brain processes than entering text on various gadgets. Many people think that writing by hand is not fashionable and unnecessary. But let's imagine this version of events: all people forget about what they need to write by hand. And this is what happens: We will start reading worse. And also motility and coordination will suffer. Such parts of the brain as: responsible for the interpretation of sensory sensations and the formation of speech. In manual writing, Brock's center is the area responsible for folding letters into words and recognizing them. That is, for the ability to read and write. It works as needed when we write by hand, but not when we type the text. A person who writes a little poorly developed eye. People will become less aware of the written text. It is not that bad, but some parts of the brain will be much less involved than if we read the handwritten text. We will learn less spelling, punctuation and grammar. After all, there is an auto-fix function, so why should I learn all these rules? Tell you. But I will tell you this: the very process of studying all these rules changes us and influences the development of our intellect. The only thing that makes a person smarter is learning. I knew one person who wrote very little by hand and typed a lot and I noticed that when you ask him about something he thinks for a very long time and then he makes a sound: EHMMM. And you know, this is like a hang-up, it just stands looking at you and can't say something. No, he says, but this is given to him too hard compared to the other people around. It seemed to me that he became so after he practically stopped writing. We will have a bad imagination. Children, in principle, will become worse to learn and memorize. There are many studies that say that the material recorded by hand, rather than on a computer, is better remembered, as people formulate the main ideas even in the process of recording We relieve stress. The habit of writing down our experiences and thoughts on paper helps reduce their severity. To write more often by hand means more often to show one's individuality. It is expressed in the form and size of letters, the fluency of handwriting, and the arrangement of text on a page. “You draw doodles when you talk on the phone and find this activity soothing. You begin to keep a diary and discover that, as you write, your experiences and ideas change. Perhaps you are writing down your dreams and looking for some signs and symbols in these records,”says Rogers. The brain remains young longer. In the process of writing, we will use different areas of the brain related to thinking, language and working memory. If from time to time you have to write by hand, the brain gets an extra workout. “When comparing old handwritten patient diaries and new ones typed on the keyboard, we see a big difference in the ability to articulate their thoughts,” says neuroscientist Mürali Doraiswamy, a professor at Duke University, “Today, when many people change their seats at the computer, handwriting training can be a useful exercise to keep your mind sharp.” You know, I noticed a tendency to follow me the more I type the more I have to re-read the text to remember it. I'm pretty sure that at least once you've read all sorts of related articles on this topic. But I want to tell you that I don't want to tell you articles from the Internet. I want to say this that many people suffered and suffer from the inability to write by hand. In my opinion, this is a disease. Gadgets are a wonderful thing, but typing on a computer does not allow our brain to develop as it should. Many parts of our brain become inactive, which leads to various problems such as: illiteracy, worse information perception and many other problems. It is likely that the ability to write by hand will continue to live by the forces of enthusiasts and not indifferent people. And even if his role in education diminishes and we practically stop writing notes to each other, using pen and paper notes - the process of writing, that is, the process of combining letters of related characters that make sense is unlikely to disappear forever. P.S: Sorry if you find mistakes .I didn't mean to offend you

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