Not So Pleasant School Memories

School, everyone's least favorite part of the day, while most people can fight through the struggles of school, I simply just can't. Out of 130,000 Schools, I would say my school is one of the weirdest, do you want to know why? The reason why is that people stamp your arms with a stamp, you end up looking like a smurf and it takes about 3 days to wash out. The reason why is that people either walk super slow, super fast or on the wrong side of the hallway. The reason why is that the girl bathrooms are all out of use because the girls in our school treat the bathrooms like it's a playground. And finally, the biggest reason, fighting. Trust me, I know fighting isn't exclusively a problem at my school, it happens worldwide, but the thing is, something things get out of hand. For example, two girls started drama with each other so one girl thought it was a good idea to pull out a knife and try to stab the other girl. I meant it when I said stuff gets out of hand at our school. Like why can't we just go old school and have “ word fights, “ I don't like physical fights, but I honestly find word fights entertaining. So to people at my school, stop trying to kill each other, instead of that, try to insult the other person without killing them, but then again, there is enough insulting at our school. Many people would say the only valid option to solve this is for everyone to keep there mouths shut, but I disagree. While at school I have made many great friends and overall that over weighs all the negatives that are experienced at my school.

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