The Power of Words

A word can change a persons life. A word is so powerful it can make one feel great or one feel small. An encouraging word can make one's day better than it was. When words are misused, they cut deeper than a knife. Words are amazing! A word can give someone hope, yet a misused word can bring one to their knees. I have had words spoken to me that made me feel smaller than an ant. I have also had words spoken to me that made me feel bigger than a giant. What a wonderful world it would be if we all spoke encouraging words. A life without words is a lonely place to be. Words bring comfort, words also bring pain, but most of all, words speak loud and clear. When we put words together, we can all others to understand. Bringing words together is how the world interacts with one another. To read, to write, how amazing it is to interact with another's words. To be able to express yourself, and others to express themselves is a great freedom. One can speak words that can bring life to another person. That one word can cause that person to do amazing things. That person can take those words and create a better world. They can use those words to build upon. We need more encouraging words spoken to one another so that we can grow. Words can cause people to do tremendous works. Anyone can do great things when an encouraging word is spoken to them. I feel good when I speak a powerful, encouraging word to another human being. I must listen when an encouraging word is spoken to me. I will take that word and run with it. I will build upon it. I will pass it along to another human being and allow that encouraging word to manifest in other peoples lives. I say, "There is power in words, pick and choose them wisely." What better way to use words than to encourage another person. It doesn't take but a second to speak life into someone else. In this world, there are not enough encouraging words spoken. One can even speak encouraging words to themselves. I dare you, next time you go to the store, say hello to someone and see the reaction on their face. This is because we don't encourage one another enough. Just to say hello to someone does not take much effort or energy. But saying hello can lift a person up who was feeling down and out. Again, the power of words is amazing! Let's try to encourage the world and build upon it. A small child only knows so many words, yet he/she knows when the words being spoken are encouraging or hurtful. That same small child can become the next world genius if only the right words are spoken to him/her. Look at all of the great works in the world, they did not come about by accident. Someone encouraged that person to create or build what they have. Maybe it was that person that spoke great encouragement to himself/herself. Words, they are everywhere. They are so powerful.

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