

Bucharest, Romania

I am a 32 years old scriptwriter, actress and acting teacher, fond of traveling and music. I have been teaching acting for 5 years and I enjoy working with children.

My professional experience includes theatre (both writing and acting), TV and feature films. My favourite project is a one-woman show called The Seed, written and played by me. It has a deep spiritual message.

Three Different Kinds of Freedom

Nov 16, 2017 6 years ago

When I was in my 20s I was wandering around Europe. Freedom meant leaping from one train to another, one plane to another, one country to another, one job to another and so on. By the time I reached my 30s, I had already lived in three different countries. However, that adventurous life was exhausting. At some point a need to grow roots somewhere urged. So I discovered there is more to freedom, I discovered three kinds of freedom. 1. Freedom from regret is one of them. Reaching a certain age and not having fulfilled your expectations leads to regrets. Regrets for having moved abroad/ not having moved abroad, having pursued that career/ not having pursued it, having married/not having married etc. I especially regretted the tumultuous time I had spent in Madrid, Spain. That year everything seemed to be falling apart. I couldn't find a normal job, I had to change houses and I had a toxic relationship with a Spanish man. It was so hard not deeming that time a wasted time in my life. Sometimes you wish you had a time machine so you could go back and make a different choice. There is no time machine. So you just have to live with your decisions. Learn something out of them and move on. 2. Freedom from judgement is hard. Regrets lead to judging yourself or other. And that leads to self criticism or criticising others. That is not a ticket to the time machine, it's a ticket to Miserable Country. You start feeling miserable and you make people around you miserable. For every flaw you find in yourself or others, try finding a quality. This is what I try to do every time "I am lazy, but I am so kind." "He is proud, but he is smart" And when I hear the voice inside my head starting an argument with myself or others, I just frankly tell it. "Shut up, please! I know this tune, I've heard it hundreds of times. Not again, please!" 3. Freedom from bitterness is tough, because you go through so many things in life. I know I have been humiliated (by an aggressive boss), I have been punched in the face on the street (by a total stranger), I have been robbed, cheated on, abandoned and the list could go on. However, comparing it to those who suffer from extreme hunger, wars and violence, my life has been heaven. I do appreciate it. Still it's not easy not to be resentful against the people who hurt you. I'm trying to release myself from anger and bitterness, because I do not want to carry it with me. It's not my luggage in this journey called life.

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