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Feb 03, 2018 6 years ago

I'd like to say that I come from a long line of authors...but I don't. I'm not quite sure where the idea of me becoming an author originated from. When I was a young child writing was a very real dream of mine. While in the time of my childhood children mainly played outdoors, I always found time to sneak away from my friends and find a hideaway and make up a story. Sometimes I would share the story, but most often I would not. They were mine and I wanted to keep my characters safe from the world. By the time I became a teenager I had many untold stories. I remember the first time in my Creative Writing class we were asked to write a short story. I turned my short story in the next day; it consisted of nearly 40,000 words. My first public novella was born! Life went on..as it usually does. I began writing poems in my twenties. Life continued on and I put writing aside once more. It wasn't until I was in my mid thirties that I picked up my pen once again. In between taking online courses, reading and researching everything I could about writing and how to become published, I at last had one of my poems chosen for an anthology. I was inspired! I wrote poem after poem. Then I did something I hadn't done in years. I pulled out one of my stories I had written long ago. I went to work on it, adding events and editing. Then I was interrupted by life once more. It wasn't until my early fifties that I made up my mind to become serious, I mean really serious about writing. I retrieved that same story from my stash of words and rewrote every single word. At the age of 54, I became a published author by a traditional publishing company! The excitement that filled me was beyond anything I had ever experienced. People, strangers even, would be reading what I had written. The very words that I had sacrificed hours of sleep for. Then the doubt came. What if no one liked what I had written? What if my characters were boring? I am happy to say that people did like the story I had put to paper. They liked it so much that I am now a published author of four novels. My latest novel is with the publisher, hopefully to be read soon and published. I also have had more poems published. I am working on my sixth and seventh novel. Don't worry, I won't confuse the two...they are very different stories. Thanks for stopping by. Imagine. Create. Write. Enjoy the Journey!

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