Bang Bang You're Dead

I miss the sweet smell of summer dew upon the grass. The atmosphere of safety my backyard held for my siblings, my friends and I. Where family BBQs were hosted, so were birthday parties. They don't celebrate my birthday like they used to. I'll never feel the accolade my puppy gives as I walk through the door after a long day of school. She used to lick my face to show how much she missed me while I was gone. Too bad I couldn't come home today, she's still sitting by the door, waiting. I will never feel the warmth my parents give as they embrace me with hugs that last forever. My angelic mother always knew what to say. My loving father always knew what to do. But now they don't say or do anything. Anything but sob each other to sleep. I'll never again smell the fresh pine or sweet toasted marshmallows when my friends and family came to Kolob Mountain to camp. I used to snuggle up next to my little sister in a sleeping bag on the chilly nights, but now she sleeps alone and shivers in the darkness. I will never say the words "I do" in a church, never say goodnight to one of my beautiful children, never be able to grow old with the one I love. All because you decided to pull the trigger and- bang! Throw it all away.

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