Divine Intervention

Hello everyone, my name is Tamiko. Some know me as Miko. I have been writing since I was very young. My mother read one of my essays from school. She loved my grade (A-). She told me if I keep writing I would get an (A+). My mom was right. I contined to write and in high school, I earned my (A+)! I am truly grateful for my teachers who pushed me to do my best. I recently attended Ashford University, for writing of course. I only did a semester and recieved high marks. For now, it's on hold. I have a friend on Facebook who has been so encouraging to me, that she sent me a message that has truly been an inspiration. She told me that whatever God given talents I have to do them to the best of my ability. That I didn't have to go to school. And God would supply the rest. I'm a firm believer in that. This is a big step for me. I have never entered a writing contest. It is all exciting and nerve wrenching. But I love this...I hope that everyone here can truly be inspired to do their very best. And succeed at whatever their talents are in life.

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Writer and Playwright

London, United Kingdom