Know Your Worth & Don't Settle

You ask yourself, "What if I can't find anyone better"? At least, I'm not alone". Ever had these thoughts run through your head about someone you are dating or have dated? Well, I've been there. There are many people I know that are finding themselves there too. I can't say I'm an expert on relationships, but if there is one thing that I feel like God taught me during my dating years and being married (and it took me some years until now for me to learn this) is that you should never settle for less than God's best. I believe that God pairs us up with people that compliment the gifts, talents, and personalities that He has given us if we let Him. The guys I dated before, some of them had good qualities; but in each relationship, there were things that didn't quite feel right. I found myself settling and compromising some of my core values to be more in line with the guys. I began to think that some of the things I had wanted in a husband were perhaps more wishful thinking than things that could actually be. So, I asked myself, did those caring, sensitive, funny, Godly men really exist? I had been struggling making a decision about this in a particular relationship I was in for almost a year. I truly wanted to do what I felt was God's will, but I also really didn't want to give up the relationship. It wasn't until I was fully ready to obey God's leading in my life and then "BOOM" the answer came. Once I took my fingers out of my ears and agreed to truly hear what God had to say, His answers were quite clear. "NO", this is not the one for you! After that, I made a decision to break up with the guy. As we all know it's not easy to break up with someone you grew close to. But I'm convinced it is much less hurtful than spending your life miserable in a relationship. After that relationship, I had come to conclusion and the end of my dating rope. I didn't want to fall in love with anyone else until it was the right one I told God. Since I had not done such a great job of choosing relationships on my own. I decided to let God guide me to choose my mate wisely the next time.When you go through delays in life, don't get discouraged. Don't lose heart. Don't give up! It is human nature to be drawn to what makes us comfortable. We become associated and acclimated to something or someone even when we know it's bad for us, but we find ourselves caught up in the contentment of our circumstances. We settle, even when we hear that whisper inside saying, "there is something better". We silence it briefly because staying where we are and doing what we're used to is much easier than the daunting task of embracing a whole new life. But as hard as it is, you have to inevitably make the decision to change your patterns and understand that in order to better yourself; you can't keep retracing the same steps, making the same mistakes that will ultimately lead you to the same destination you were in before. Even if you take day to day baby steps, I had to learn to just walk in a different direction, in which you will get a different result. Hopefully, a better one. Yes, it will be uncomfortable, but no one that's ever seen the sky from a mountaintop is concerned with the steps it took to get there with sore legs or how uncomfortable the walk was. All that matters is the view from the top, the view you probably wouldn't see if you had not taken the steps to get there. NEVER SETTLE! Be brave enough to walk in faith through the fear. Don't let anything or anyone keep you from the view you deserve to see. I believe part of the reason men/ women settle for the wrong relationships is because they don't have a personal relationship with God or self. When you focus on God and love self, you don't need someone else to fill the gap. When you love you, you won't allow someone else to mistreat you, disrespect you, nor neglect you. When you love the person that loves you as good or equal to the way you love yourself, then you have the power to attract better love in your life. Don't worry if you're single right now, God has someone just for you! Remember, you have to be the same person you want your mate to be. If you want a godly mate, then you should be that godly person; it's that plain and simple. Do you really want a relationship with someone you can't relate to, or have anything in common with, or you really don't know anything about? Trust me, it won't work! Sometimes we tend to give in and settle for those types with those qualifications because we feel that we can't do better. If you haven't made the necessary changes in your life, then of course, you're going to settle for less than you deserve. But in your mind, you want better. What's stopping you? You've got to hold on and not grow weary in the well doing of being single. Stay connected and close to God. He wants to give you what's best and what you deserve. So, leave the temporary and false satisfaction so God can prepare you for someone with His divine approval! YES

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