The Other Woman

Some of us believe true love is a fairytale. A lie or a figment of our imagination intended to only give us something to hope for, to believe in. We all find love some day and we convince ourselves that we love or in love but none of us truly understand the definition of Love. What is love? Is it an emotion, a feeling? Is it an idea blistered into this universe to give our hearts something to attach too. We all want to love or feel love however; we don't define our necessity of it. We pray to God to bring us a man or woman who loves sports, no kids, and decent job, well-endowed and doesn't live at home with their mother anymore. We pray for the realistic of love not what we truly fall in love with. We don't ask God to send us a God fearing man or woman who would die to protect me and their family. Bring me someone that will stay loyal and stay by my side through thick and then. Most importantly we forget to ask for that special someone to not already have a special someone in their lives. That's where I come in at. A 28 year old woman that has mistakenly fallen in love with a man that is already in love with someone else. I say mistaken however, it's not really a mistake when I already knew the situation I was falling into. Perhaps it was a mistake to have let it go on for so long, maybe that was a mistake. The heart wants what the heart wants and in reality if that man or woman is giving you everything you could possibly dream for we tend to not care about the other half of it. Is that person available to love you back to its entirety? Is that person ready to love you and only you? If you answered no to both questions then you're more than likely on the same path I am which is confused or maybe even torn between two realities. First reality, the fairytale that you're living in is the one that they make you feel like the only person in the world. You go out together, you laugh together, and perhaps the sex is out of this world. They are conceptual to your every wants and needs and you never have to ask them twice for anything. However, in the mist of living this fairytale you forget the true reality of it. You forget their heart belongs to someone else, you forget once they leave you they go back home to their husband or wives. While they get to live that happy life of having two people that please them, you're left with the indifferent feeling of love and hate. You love to see them come but you hate to see them leave. At the end of the day you know where they are going and there is nothing you can say or do because you can't control them. You convince yourself it doesn't phase you until that one day he or she is going on a surprise vacation with their spouse or you notice they're texting their lover more often at the dinner table. My favorite one is when they up and leave your home because of a Spouse's emergency. That's when the real reality kicks in. You're living in the reality of temporary love. You love for the moment but the actuality of things is, it's unhealthy for the both of you. It becomes more perplex now because your heart is in it and it doesn't want to let go. Although you know you should but you just can't. Trust me it's not your fault. Perhaps you're just like me. You've had one bad break up after another and you finally met someone that can make you feel happy again and show you not every man or woman is a monster. Although, they are already taken you don't care because of the way they treat you. As a person. You may even look at me as a scarlet Letter and judge me not by the person I am but by the words I've set forth on a piece of paper. You probably don't care about how I truly feel towards this man but maybe even feel sorry for her. In which I don't blame you because deep down inside I feel sorry too but, I allowed my heart to cloud my judgement and fall neglectful to her feelings or deceptions. In my eyes she feels no pain. Clueless to the situation but, for me I suffer the most. I convinced myself he loves me, wants to be with me, perhaps if we only met sooner in life that maybe things would have turned out differently but that's me living in that fairytale again. Reality we didn't meet sooner we met now and at this moment I have to live with the fact I'm still in love with another woman's man. I try to tell myself maybe he will figure out soon what he truly wants whether it be me or her at least he would then have made up his mind before more hearts are broken but fun fact they will never make up their mind as long as you continue to allow them to play your heart like a fiddle. Now you're left with two hard decisions. Do you continue to stay with this person knowing you are a temporary phase but at this moment he or she treats you like the only person in the world or do you go with option two and finally let go knowing you are worth more than what they make you out to be. I guess the true question that should be asked is out of the both of us which one is really the other woman?

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