
Cassidy W.

NC - North Carolina

holly springs, United States

I am a high school student who has a dream of working in character design for video games, movies, or books.


My Life's Treasure

Aug 20, 2018 5 years ago

The most important part of my life besides my family and friends is being able to draw. I find drawing to be one of the most entertaining and expressive activities that one could do with their time. Drawing, unlike any other form of art, is almost completely limitless. With drawing, you can create your very own world and plan out different characters to live there and use writing (also nearly limitless) to plan out certain features of it in more depth. My free time is mostly spent creating and developing completely original characters and I hope that one day I could put my talent to use and get a job based around character design. My main goal in life is to make an income on designing characters for video games, movies, books, comics, etc. I would love to do what I love for a living and not have to work somewhere where I would be miserable. I usually create characters based on mythical creatures or animals. My favorite thing to draw is animals, but I am working to improve in other areas as well. I also make humanoid characters, yet I mostly will make them supernatural (vampires, werewolves, completely made-up species, etc.) All of this explains why art is the treasure of my life and means so much to me. I hope art will still mean as much to me in the future as it does right now.

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