

Nuggets of Wisdom

Fort Worth, United States

I am a lover of all things nature, literature, history, and tea. My goal in life is to spread joy one small act of kindness at a time. In my spare time, I love exploring outdoors, cooking, and hanging out with my gorgeous husband and son.


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Beauty From Ashes

May 15, 2019 4 years ago

"You'll never believe the things that I've done." These words spoken out of the mouth of the soon to be high school freshman echoed in my ears. Sitting crossed-legged in a grassy field, I continued to listen attentively to the young lady in front of me. Her voice filled the calm mountain air with sadness and regret, her heart left unattended and broken. Over the course of one school year she was bullied, developed an eating disorder, overdosed on medication and alcohol, and was pressured to have sex perched awkwardly in the back of a car. All of this happening at the ripe age of 13. This girl is not a rarity, though. In our nation and across the globe, millions of young women struggle with similar hurts and pressures. As an educator and camp coordinator, I have a front row seat to view the broken shards of pain, despair, and desperation in the lives of teen girls. Every single one of them--regardless of height, weight, age, or race--feels the demanding expectations of society. And these expectations are impossible to meet. Girls are told that they must be sexual without being too promiscuous. They must dress in accordance with the latest fashions, but must maintain a humility that keeps them self-conscious enough to buy more products. Girls are treasured for being a certain weight--generally one that is unnatural and unhealthy for their bodies. Intelligence is a lovely quality to strive towards, but a young woman is made fun of for excelling in academics. Through all of this, it is no surprise that ladies are confused in their identities and purposes. As older women who still struggle with the same issues, the same demons of our past, it is difficult to imagine ways to encourage the younger generations. The question remains: how, then, do we bring forth change? The most effective way to brighten the lives of others is through love. Unfortunately, many of us struggle to love ourselves and, therefore, have no clue how to love others. Every morning as you look in the mirrors that endlessly surround you, what do you see? Perhaps you see the blemishes and immediately begin covering your flaws, hoping that makeup will help you feel better. Maybe you find it impossible to look directly at yourself, convinced that you are unworthy and unwanted. We must stop these thoughts in their tracks. Each woman has a unique, special beauty. We are intricately made from the moment of conception. Our hearts, personalities, faces, and minds are all so different. And that's beautiful. There is no such thing as defined beauty. Being beautiful starts with love, flourishes with confidence, and blossoms with kindness. When a young woman sees her mother, sister, mentor, or teacher living confidently, that young lady will naturally learn how to love herself. Rather than speaking negative words, saying how we wish we could change this or that about ourselves, we must begin to speak words of life. As women, we are intelligent, witty, gorgeous, and lovely. We have beautiful curves, humors, and stories. At one point or another, we have all experienced brokenness; we have all trudged through the dark, muddy marshes of pain. However, once the pain lessens, we find ourselves looking hopefully towards the future. Rather than looking back on our lives with regret, why not use those experiences to help others? Every trial you go through helps build a stronger, wiser you. With this wisdom, you can encourage the younger generations who are faced with similar dilemmas. When society tells us that we are valueless, we can combat those negative words with a joyful spirit. Insecurities will always arise; they are impossible to hide from. However, when we look at our differences in a new light, we can see that those are the elements of our lives that make us beautiful. By loving others, by helping them where they are, we inevitably become shining rays of sunshine. In order to encourage young women to believe in their beauty and worth, it is necessary to speak positively about their natural beauty, both on the inside and the outside. If our words can be the saving grace to a young lady fighting bitterness, resentment, self-harm, or shame, we must speak boldly. The words, "You'll never believe what I've done," will no longer stand as a negative phrase filled with regret. Rather, these words will be the beginning of a beautiful, unique list of accomplishes. "Look at the things I've overcome!" "See how strong I have become!" "These broken pieces of my life have comforted and brought hope to another girl!" Can you imagine a world where we stand, hand in hand and arm in arm, pushing each other towards greatness? As a mom, sister, friend, or stranger, you have the power to see positive change in the lives of ladies around you. May we all think optimistically, love courageously, and speak brilliantly. From this, we will naturally change the future for women.

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The Wonder of a Library

May 15, 2019 4 years ago

Inspiration, I've been told, does not come from sitting in a library. One spot in one room, surrounded by endless tales and stories, cannot simply bring forth genius. Yet somehow, I am inspired. I am intrigued by the texts nestled together—by the words waiting to be discovered and uncovered from the light, or heavy, dust. Does each book feel comfortable where it is placed? Perhaps there is a silent debate occurring between the Bronte sisters who are forever placed on the same shelf. Does Charlotte feel jealous whenever Anne is chosen over her? Emily may want her words of emotion placed in the middle, or first, rather than coming last due to alphabetical order. In the History section, how exactly do the Holocaust victims feel about having to stare at the Furer each day and night? There may be a hint of victory sung in the beautiful Hebraic language whenever a child, newly learned in German history, pokes his little fingers in the eyes of Hitler. But how do the Germans feel about this part of the library? Do they move to the Hebrew dictionary to understand the sad Jewish song, seeking forgiveness or redemption? One cannot walk past Philosophy or Science without hearing the incessant clatter of discussion over truth, reality, and star dust. Is it possible to sit with both Kierkegaard and Niche, a big mug of tea in hand, and chat about the weather? Maybe not, seeing as the library is a “no drinks allowed” kind of place. And, furthermore, the two probably cringe at the idea of such a trivial topic. A library is a place filled with wonder. Every book, every page, reveals one more piece of the intricately made human mind. I am inspired. I am intrigued by the facets of human emotion, human expression. Words are true; words are deceptive. Words bring hope; words bring despair. Words speak beauty; words speak death. Words are alive, and their home is the library.

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