Being a girl is tough!! (Writing contest)

“…… Goodbye, my dear!! I wish you a great and happy life ahead. We will miss you so much!!” said father, with his wet eyes and heavy-heart, to his daughter. It is because the girl who was “father's Princess”, “Mummy's beloved daughter cum best friend”, “brother's little sister”, was going to become queen of her beloved husband today…. Getting this thought even for a second gives me goosebumps!! Well, living a life of a girl is not an easy task. It takes so much of effort, you can't imagine!! When she is born, a huge welcome is received by her. She lives with her parents and family for few years and very soon, she leaves the house for someone else, who is unknown for her. Believing in her parents' decision, she will leave them. But you know what, from her birth, she is not only loaded with happiness, but also, with tons of expectations. She is expected to behave in a typical “girly” manner. Hey, sit properly. You are a girl!! Walk properly, don't look around. You are a girl!! Don't laugh out loud. You are a girl!! Don't wear these clothes. Jeans and all is not something you should wear. Go and wear your old kurta with dupatta. That is something which will suit you… Well, “beauty” is something which is always associated with “a girl”, but never “brain”. A girl is expected to be beautiful, but a girl with “beauty with brain” is neither expected nor accepted. She is taught from the very beginning that beauty is the most important part (aspect) of her life. She is told everyday to change something in herself— her body, her attitude, her face to be happy, accepted and loved by everyone. Even though she is beautiful, she has something to worry about. Infact, this is her biggest sin. She will be looked for her beauty, not brain, not soul, which makes her a complete self. She is judged by the clothes she wears, with the people she is surrounded by, with all the choices she makes for her own self… She is given manuals for everything—breathing, smiling, laughing, sitting, standing, walking, sleeping, speaking, living, pleasing others. She is always expected to be emotional, sensitive, the weak one, but not by choice. Being a girl is hard. It's not because of those 3 sleepless nights a month, it's not because of those 5 days pain, it's not because of those unwanted hormonal changes and mood swings. It's because of the society we are living in, is always there to judge you in every situation. It is because of those dirty men who has no control over them and their actions!! Being a girl is tough. But I am strong. I will fight. I will try my best…

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