A balance is needed between idols and lifestyles

I will be talking about a friend named Jeff. He is an interesting fellow to say the least. With raging hard abs, he is the very definition of a healthy, strong and muscular boy. And yet, underneath that exterior of ferocity and muscles perhaps lays a more complex and complicated process. Each and every day we are bombarded by pictures on Instagram, twitter and snapchat, of men who are at the peak of their fitness levels. I mean for God's sake, you cannot venture through the endless battlefield of Youtube without encountering a '30 minute a day workout for abs'.While most of us have our mouths gaped open with a hole the size of a tennis ball, some take it deeper and set it as their aspiration to achieve that, and if they don't, they are a failure. In biology class, whilst others are working, his eyes are glued to his screen where people are doing pushup competitions. Whilst others are doing homework on a Friday night, he is staying up for the sale of his $100 resistance bands. Side note: I am so so sure you can build them with rubber bands. Whilst others are studying for tests, he is at the local gym running, squatting and lifting weights just because someone you don't even know, on a screen, tells you that this is what you should aim for. Is this right? But that is not the worst part. With failing grades, he continues to pursue this idealistic perception of the body that has infiltrated and corrupted him into believing that the disregard of his school life is needed to accomplish this dream. Despite his continuous dropping grades, he never stops working out at the gym. Is this smart? I am not typing away here today to tell you that attaining 6 pack abs and biceps the size of donuts are the wrong course of action. No, I am here today to tell you that there is a balance that is required to differentiate between a healthy lifestyle and a lifestyle manufactured through stupid decisions. The problem with the world today is that we are constantly presented with perfect people. People with the perfect, hair, body, face. And the problem with this is that it forces a false impression on us. We choose to believe that they are the epitome of perfection, that they are what we should achieve. When really, we should be looking at ourselves. How we are able to develop our own selves, physically and mentally. Yes, the inevitability of comparison between individuals will surely rise, but the point is. Stop comparing yourself to people. Stop being shut down if you don't have the perfect face. Stop being sad if you cannot be who you idolise. Why? Because you aren't them. And that is the harsh truth of it. Do not fret my friends, that is not the end of it. One single word can save this entire depressing and monotonous essay: Improvement. You may not be the best in the class, but you can improve. You may not be smartest guy, but you can improve. You may not be the fittest person. But. You. Can. Improve. It took me way too long to notice this as a matter of fact. For years of life, I was constantly chasing this ideal of being the best at everything. Sadly, my poor heart was ripped apart upon the realisation that I was never the best at mathematics,games or english(Why am I even writing this) for that matter. But that did not stop me from pursuing this dream, this ideal of being the very best. Day and night spent trying to constantly be the best and look where I've come from. From a overconfident little boy to a less proud and more down to earth teenager, I'd say thats improvement, at least a little bit. But what I discovered that there should be a balance between your ideals and your lifestyle. Do not neglect your friends, family and studies chasing the idealism of being perfect. Do not lose yourself and sink into frustration and depression of being unable to be the best. Do not give up. Ever. Rather, just improve and I assure you, you will go much further than you would have ever thought. Time to go save my friend I guess... Thank you for reading !

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