An Unachievable Profession: Written by a 14 year old

With much of my life left to live, I fear that my current experiences will not produce the interesting story that you came to read. However, what I am about to write about may take you on a walk down memory lane. It may remind you of the terribly wonderful ups and downs of being 14 years old. High School. Some call it the best days of ones life, while others call it the most gruesome. There are many things to think about as you enter your freshmen year of high school; wether it be clothes to wear or even something as crucial as a career path. The career path that I am so keen to follow, would never be accepted by my parents, and rightfully so. My sought after profession is a game of medium skill, and hard luck. "What is this business that leaves people without somewhere to sleep at night?" you may be asking yourself. That proffesion is; acting. The Industry. Words that I would love to say that I am part of. For me however, many aspects of my life would affect my success in this field. The color of our skin, our race, our ethnicity. Whatever you would like to call it, it affects me in massive ways. Without saying which categories of minorities I am in, I will tell you that not many roles are offered to those who look like me. The entire thought that I could make it in this industry is crazy. Nevertheless, the thought of this proffesion keeps me up all night. As I write this the time is 12:16 A.M. Has this page given you even the slightest of an inkling for what I desire? What I crave? All I ask, is to recieve one opportunity where I can prove myself worthy. One audition. Will I make it big in Hollywood? Will I go on to live in the basments of my friends house's just praying that one day I will have a big break? Or will I go on to pursue a career path that I settled for just because me dream was too unachievable? Too many thoughts. Way too many thoughts to be having at the tender age of fourteen.

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Alissa Mak

Don't underestimate the power of young minds.

Hong Kong, China