The Unexpected Visitor

I remember like it was yesterday. It was a peaceful snowy evening. I've always liked snow. It makes everything more beautiful. It's like a natural make up, makes the city more beautiful ,simple and elegant. I was enjoying my coffee and the view. Everything was in a white dress. The sound of fireplace ,the slowly burning woods.. Everything was peacefull. It was nothing special but enjoyable. I'm a medical doctor, an ob/gyn resident. So my work day is always full of action and adrenaline. When i come home, i just need some peace and quiet to recharge and be ready for the next day. That evening after enjoying my coffee, i checked the internet like everyone else. Then i saw the videos from China, people were literally lying on the hospital floors. It was horrible. I rushed to show it to my parents. The country i live in, the culture is different. Single women are expected to live with their parents. If we don't do this, our parents feel strongly offended. My dad is 73 years old and my mom is 65; so i was helping them and i liked staying close to them as they age. I know i may sound like Howard from The Big Bang Theory. But i live in Turkey and it isn't like Europe or US. It's like Matrix. Staying with parents until the marriage is the normal in my country. My parents ,like me and like many were shocked seeing the videos. But we didn't think it would change our lives this much.Nobody did, right? I wouldn't imagine the world would shutdown soon. One disease, out of nowhere, a little tiny virus changed us all. I thought the virus would stay in China and felt sad for them. Well it didn't. It travelled to Europe. We saw what happened in Italy as well. At that point we knew it would come to us too. At first as an obstetrics resident, i thought i wouldn't see many covid patients. Our patients were mainly pregnant ladies and newborns ;so society and our hospital tried to protect them. Then of course as the disease spread no speciality left. Every resident from the hospital were taken to covid units. My new workplace was covid unit in the emergency room. When i learned this, i was super worried about my parents. Especially my father who was 73 years old and had hypertension. I was terrified i would carry the disease from hospital to home. There was no way i could stay at home. All of a sudden i was homeless. Of course government arranged places to stay for people like me but my lovely friends offered their house to me. So i moved to my friends' house. All of us were working in the hospital so it was like a covid house. I will be forever grateful to them. My parents were worried about me. Because i had cancer in the past. But i didn't tell this to my hospital because i wanted to work. I wanted to help the other healthcare professionals when they need every doctor's help. I had cancer and chemotherapy 6 years ago. It's not like i was newly diagnosed. After 5 years some consider i beat the the disease completely. Nevertheless i'm used to the idea of not living too long. I'm trying to work for people and try to do my best while i'm still around. When i work for people, i feel like my life isn't wasted. Also after 6 years , i dare to hope that i may live longer as well. After moving to my friends' house , i was no longer worried about my parents. It was such a huge relief. I would blame myself forever if i carried the disease to my loved ones and they were in the risk group. In the hospital we were protected with equipment. After going to few shift we got used to it. I was working in the ER covid-19 area. So people would come to us first. Everyone was confused and worried. We were doing what infectious disease told us to do. We learned some chest tomography at least the covid images. We did everything we could do. It was really motivating for us to hear all the cheer people make from homes to the healthcare workers. In the end we were only doing our jobs but being appreciated was touching. Maybe i'm overly dramatic about it but i was really happy to hear that cheers. Maybe being in my country has its cultural differences but i know every healthcare worker worried for their loved ones at home, more than they worried for themselves, like me. I know every healthcare worker felt happy when they heard the cheers in the thank hour. These feelings were beyond cultures. Time passed and now we're slowly normalizing, we turned back to our ob/gyn patients already. But i will never forget that my dear friends opened their house for me. and i will never forget people cheered for us. I will never forget how a little tiny virus could change so many lives. The life we know could change completely in a heartbeat. But we can adapt to new normal fast and we will always receive support from other when we need so i don't afraid of these changes. I hope humanity would never have to live something like that again and we can turn back to our lives when the only thing upset us was the ending of GOT.


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